Plays an important role in the lives of young people
As with sport, cultural opportunities are an important part of a rounded education and we strive to offer as many opportunities as possible to our students in this area. Music, Kapa Haka, Drama and Dance are visible in the everyday life of the school and our students benefit from a range of talents and experiences both within the school, and the local community.
Itinerant lessons are available to Primary aged students and all students experience music as part of the curriculum from Year Seven upwards. Itinerant instrumental tuition is also available to senior students.
Contact at School
Mr Adrian Botting
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Kapa Haka
We have a Junior and Senior Kapa Haka Ropu. Both of these groups perform in a range of local and regional events and festivals.
Contact at School
Ms Thompson
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Kapa Haka
Performing Arts
In Performing Arts, students work in a highly collaborative environment to explore an extensive range of performance skills. The Dance and Drama programme caters for over 400 WAS students. In Year 1- 6 this is this full-year course, Year 7 - 9 a term. For our seniors Year 10 onwards, Performing Arts is a subject option. The focus nurtures and develops skills such as group/ensemble participation and contribution, self-management and relating to others. The Music programme is compulsory for Year 7 - 9 students and continues to offer learning opportunities to all NCEA levels. In addition WAS proudly offers many extra curriculum opportunities to show case our talent. Ranging from Kapa Haka to Jump Jam to Rock Quest there is always something exciting happening in the Performance Space.
Contact at School
Ms Amy Russell
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This is available to students through the Whangamata Dance Studio. This is a private organisation that runs dance classes at all age levels and styles of dance.
Contact at School
Ms Jo Cullen
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